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Monday, January 31, 2011

Instructions Included

So many times we buy things and fail to read the instructions. We start putting the items together because it looks simple and we think we can handle it. We think we know how to put the pieces together simply by looking at the pictures on the box. When it is all said and done, however, it doesn’t look or function the way the manufacturer intended. After we make our mess, or have the extra nuts and bolts still sitting on the floor, we go back and read the instructions trying to figure out just where we went wrong…what step we left out.

God see’s us the same way. We do things in our daily lives thinking we got it all figured out. We think we know it all and we mess it up every time. Then we go to the Lord asking him to fix what we or our loved ones have messed up. In reality, if we ask him in the first place, some of us would not be in the situations we are in now.

The Word says, “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.” (Matthew 6:31). I leave you with these words,God left you the BIBLE…Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth!
I implore you, read the instructions that God has left for you to live a happy and prosperous life. Start with his two primary instructions:

1. Accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior.
2. Accept his Plan of Salvation.

Believe me, I was a proud man always believing that I could put everything together by looking at the picture. It took me a long while to realize that by doing it “my way” I was wasting time, causing myself and others undo stress, and complicating something that should have been relatively easy…if only I had followed the instructions. God’s instructions are readily available, in the Bible…pick it up today.

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